Welcome to NeuroSense 

Our UK-Wide Adult Services Include:


  • Neurodiversity Screening for ADHD, Autistic Spectrum & Sensory Processing Conditions,
  • Occupational Therapy Assessment & Intervention,
  • Full Sensory Processing Assessment & Sensory Integration-Informed Treatment Approaches,


Think you may have ADHD or Autism?


Are you:

  • Distractible,
  • Unable to focus and concentrate,
  • Forgetful & disorganized,
  • Unable to finish tasks,
  • Struggling to create friendships or maintain them,
  • Hyper-focussed on interests that take over all of your attention,
  • Finding it difficult to regulate your emotions or reactions in social situations and when in noisy, loud or bright environments,
  • Impulsive and hyperactive,
  • Finding it difficult to understand social cues and norms,
  • Struggling to maintain eye contact or engage in reciprocal conversations,
  • Finding that people tell you you are rude or uninterested in others,


Does everyone seem to be able to do things easier than you can, even when you try your hardest?

Occupational Therapy


Have you:

  • Been suffering with mental health problems and need help,
  • Had or still have an illness or injury that stops you from being yourself and doing things you want,
  • Struggled to adapt to changes in your life, school and work life and need help,
  • Been trying to get back to work or keep your job but feel you need help,
  • Been struggling to mobilise inside and outside of your home and need help to choose equipment or adapt your environment,
  • Lost skills you used to have and want to regain them,
  • Been unable to make friendships and want to know how to do this in your own community,


Have you lost sense of who you are and what you want from your life?

Sensory Integration-informed Therapy


Do you:

  • Get easily overwhelmed or distressed by loud noises, bright lights, strong smells, or crowded environments,
  • Have high sensitivity or aversion to certain textures, clothing, or food tastes,
  • Have issues with balance, coordination, and motor skills which impact activities like walking, running, or climbing,
  • Bump into things and appear clumsy to others,
  • Feel anxious, irritable, have tantrums or meltdowns and cannot explain why,
  • Avoid certain activities or environments as they make you feel overwhelmed,
  • Get easily distracted or are unable to filter external noise, sound, movement etc in your environment,
  • Struggle to interpret nonverbal cues, maintain eye contact, or engage in reciprocal conversations,
  • Find yourself want to shut yourself away at times to calm down,


Does the world around you seem too much at times?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this an NHS service?

NeuroSense is founded by an NHS Occupational Therapist, however this service is privately funded.

Can you diagnose me with ADHD or ASD?

NeuroSense does not currently provide comprehensive diagnosis, but does provide screening to highlight if you meet the minimum criterai for assessment.

NeuroSense was founded by an Occupational Therapist diagnosed late in life with autism, who has observed that many adults identify as neurodiverse based on their own research and awareness of their individual challenges. They often choose not to pursue formal assessment due to difficulties in obtaining referrals, early dismissal by services, or other negative experiences.

If you are:

Seeking validation and support regardless of diagnostic assessment results,

Need help to gather your evidence for full diagnostic assessment,

Want to determine the likelihood of being neurodiverse by a trained Health Professional with experience in performing the standardised diagnostic assessments, 

then continue reading...


How do I choose which assessment to pick?

We offer a free 15 minute consultation (over whatever communication medium you feel comfortable with) to chat about what you are seeking and help you decide where you go from here.  There is no obligation to continue into assessment or treatment.

Do I have to live in Glasgow to use this service?

No, NeuroSense offer most of its services through remote contact, however if face to face contact is needed for assessment of your home/work environmental (for adaptation and equipment prescription), visits can be made available within Central Belt of Scotland upon arrangement with a therapist at the cost of the client.

Are assessments done face to face?

Neurosense operates throughout the UK and therefore is an online service. Adaptations can be made for home visits for environmental assessments, please advise if this is needed.

Travel costs and mileage are not included in the assessment/session cost if home visit(s) are required. Costs will be confirmed prior to booking.

Do you work with children?

At the moment Neurosense focuses on assessment and treatment of individuals 16+.

*Please contact me for recommendations on child services in your area.

Contact us

Get in touch to discover how we can help you today.


NeuroSense Occupational Therapy
2nd Floor, Clyde Offices, 48 W George St, Glasgow G2 1BP